2024 Selections
Total Films: 73
U.S. Films: 58 (16 WNY)
International Films: 15
International Narrative Shorts (6)
She's the Protagonist directed by Sarah Carlot Jaber (Belgium)
The Sweetest Goodbye directed by Emily Schooley (Canada)
Solace directed by Aminah Hughes (Australia)
Nereid directed by Lori Zozzolotto (Canada)
Wilderness directed by Amelie Leroy (U.K)
Soraya directed by Maryam Rahimi (Iran)
U.S. Narrative Shorts (25)
Like Someone in Love directed by Victoria Hutton (WNY)
Always Wear Comfortable Shoes directed by Angie Hansen
This is Not a Pipe Dream directed by Tracy Snyder (WNY)
Baba Yaga Smoked Me Out directed by Julia Berkey
Still Calling Darilyn directed by Natalie Marmol
Goldenrod directed by Marjorie DeHey (WNY)
Pickled Herring directed by Milana Vayntrub
She Who Dared directed by Gabrielle Rosson
The Sicks directed by Taylor Martin (WNY)
Die Dame directed by Taylor Martin (WNY)
ReImage directed by Jo O'Donnell (WNY)
White Female directed by Sarah Falkiner
Gummies directed by Renetta G. Amador
Holy Moly Meteorite directed by V. Leigh
Last Girls' Trip directed by Dusty Noval
The Hollow directed by Yvonne Trobe
V-Card directed by Brooklyn Braaten
All Grown Up directed by Meg Dole
Lorelei directed by Jaime Nebeker
Outbound directed by Missy Bell
Trying directed by Emily Alpren
Trust directed by Diane Lansing
Chipper directed by MK Kopp
Rest directed by Joan Cassin
Ardor directed by V. Leigh
Student Films (9)
The Trials and Tribulations of Therapy directed by Carolina Herrera
Love's a Drug directed by Summer Faye Harris (WNY)
A Mermaid on a Summer's Night directed by Ke Liu
Conceal Her directed by Anna Maria Logan (WNY)
Mother's Essence directed by Kylie Kuty (WNY)
Carnations directed by Sarah Mehani (WNY)
Hath No Fury directed by Kayleigh Keane
Pier 35 directed by Raina Liwen Yang
Showrunner directed by Maria Gian
Features (5)
He Told Us the Sky is Blue directed by Cecilia Mellieon (Canada, Student, Documentary)
Fight for Ukraine: 12 Women's War directed by Karen Kanes Floyd (Documentary)
The 9 Lives of Barbara Dane directed by Maureen Gosling (Documentary)
Take the Ice directed by Rachel Koteen (Documentary)
Wallie's Gals directed by Mary C. Ferrara (Narrative)
Documentary Shorts (6)
Stand UP Speak OUT - Reproductive Rights: Know Your Rights directed by Elisabeth Harris
Interception: Jayne Kennedy, American Sportscaster directed by Safiya Songhai
The Asifa Bano Story directed by Mina Isabella JafriMalik
Fireflies directed by Cristina Otero Roth (Spain)
Car Spider directed by Victoria Hutton (WNY)
Citizens of Nowhere directed by Alicia Sully
Experimental Shorts (13)
Murmurs of the River directed by Jeanne Travers, Bliss Kohlmyer, Dora Arreola
Gentle Wind directed by Marta Arjona, Maite Blasco (Spain)
Suspicious Minds directed by Imelda O'Reilly (Ireland)
To the Moon and Back directed by Amanda Besl (WNY)
Blowing Off the Lake directed by Maria Brandt (WNY)
Lessons in Cage Decoration directed by Kimberly Te
DoorSlash directed by Sabrina Peña Young (WNY)
Little Dreams directed by Carolina Kzan (France)
Incantations directed by Amanda Besl (WNY)
Dibs on Mars directed by Julia Tutko-Balena
Eupnea directed by Trish Morrissey (U.K.)
Y directed by Tamara Cook (Australia)
CAUGHT directed by Kim Karpanty
Animation (9)
Undrown directed by Sofia Andrea Hernandez, Anahí Colombina Poblete, Hazel Fernanda Guarachi (Chile, Student)
Why The Dogs and Wolves Fear Each Other directed by Sydni Wolpert (Student)
Amplifying Feedback Loop directed by Vanessa Sweet (WNY)
Love Letters for the Subway directed by Mary Hawkins
Brutus directed by Julia Samborski (Student)
With My Dad directed by Zeinab Badri (Iran)
Yeetcosystem directed by Suzanne Skaar
Company directed by Dan Raymond
Poppet directed by Dan Raymond